Capezio - 102 Glisse


Capezio - 102 Glisse


Sizes are US size

Product description

Broad, feathered toe box. Hand Flattened crown. Skived leather board shanks provide maximum flexibility and conform to the arch.  102 #3 leather board shank, ¾ skived to #1

FEATURES: Pleated toe with quiet toe construction.
Medium vamp, round shape throat with moderate side and heel measurements.
Traditional side seam, satin binding with elastic drawstring.
Soft cotton lining.

BENEFITS: Feathered full wing-box for lateral support with high and wide platform for stability.
Reduced sole length eliminates excess at the heel.

BEST FIT: Medium to wide forefoot with toes of even length. 

Shipping costs

Nouto Helsingin liikkeestä / Pick up from the Helsinki store
0,00 €















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